So instead of dwelling on the past (ok, it hasn't been ALL bad...), here are all the things I'm looking forward to:
- Being done with my internship (7 working days left!!)...There will be parts of my internship that I seriously miss, but I really want my life (and sanity) back.
- Playing Just Dance on the wii. It's something I've wanted to do recently, but haven't had time to during my internship. And I'm good at it, too.
- My roommate Becky's bridal shower. I'm thrilled that she's getting a great guy, of course.
- Seeing several old friends that I've told, "I can hang out in two weeks!"
- The CES Fireside on Nov. 4th.
- Daylight savings time ends on Nov. 4th....another sign that winter is on its way. :)
- Flying to Georgia in two weeks to visit my sister Rebekah's family.
- While in Georgia, I'll be attending ASHA with my sister Kaylene. We two speechie nerds are going to have some good bonding time exploring all ASHA has to offer... including free stuff in the exhibit hall!
- Flying to Houston for my nephew's baptism and for Thanksgiving.
- Flying home for Christmas... I just bought my plane tickets tonight! (I think flying is sort of a theme here of things I'm looking forward to...what can I say? I love to travel!)
So there you have it. The next several weeks will be wonderful! This past month has been filled with lots of stress and struggle, but also many wonderful miracles and tender mercies. I have so many good friends that help take care of me. I don't know how I could have survived this far without their love and generous service. God truly answers our prayers through the people around us.